Hugo's Portfolio

Hua Tank V.S. Bogy

January 15, 2023 (2y ago)

This is the project from the course 2023 Fall CE2012 - Assembly Language and System Programming at National Central University.

💻 Source Code  •  🎥 Demo  •  🖼️ Slide  •  📚 Docs
Hua Tank V.S. Bogy
Hua Tank V.S. Bogy

Team Members

Group 12

NameStudent NumberDivide and Conquer
林群賀109601003GUI and the basic functions
謝文喨109601005GUI and the basic functions
陳俊宇110502534GUI and the basic functions
花靖傑110502560Hua Tank and No Work

Developing Enviroment:

  • Programming Language: Assembly x86
  • Developing Tool: Visual Studio 2022

How to use this project? (with ssh key)

Make sure you have git installed on your machine. If not, you can download it here.

$ git clone [email protected]:1chooo/Tank.git $ cd Tank/finalProjectPro/Debug $ ./finalProjectPro.exe

Game Scene

Start Scene

Start Scene
Start Scene

Rule Scene

Rule Scene
Rule Scene

Game Stage

Game Stage
Game Stage

Playing Scene

Playing Scene
Playing Scene

Paused Scene

Paused Scene
Paused Scene

Win Scene

Win Scene
Win Scene

Lose Scene

Lose Scene
Lose Scene

ASCII Art (Our Game Characters)


      /        \=======D
/ ___WHERE_ARE_YOU?__ \     __    
\/ _===============_ \/    Hua\==D
  \-===============-/     (Tank)  


/ === \  (\_/)
\| X |/  |OvO|
 |_|_|   |_|_|

Bogy Animation

 ' (\_/)  '    (\_/)  \ | / (\_/)  ' | '  '         ' ' '                             
' /X_X/  ' \|'/X_X/  ' \|/ '/X_X/ ' \|/ '  '\X_X\    \|/              '|'             
/ === \  / === \     / === \      / === \    (/ \) / === \    \X_X\ / === \           
\| X |/  \| X |/     \| X |/      \| X |/          \| X |/    (/ \) \| X |/      \X_X\
 |_|_|    |_|_|       |_|_|        |_|_|            |_|_|            |_|_|       (/ \) 



Our Rules

*                       Game Introduction:                        *
*             Control the Hua Tank to kill the Bogy.              *
*              Don't let Bogy cross the green line,               *
*                 or your life will shock down!!                  *
*   Start with 10 lives, once the live reaches zero, you lose!!   *
*      Kill the last monsters, if you still alive, you win!!      *
*                                                                 *
*                    How to control the tank:                     *
*                + press   'up'  to move   up                     *
*                + press  'down' to move  down                    *
*                + press 'right' to fire bullet                   *
*                                                                 *
*                          How to play:                           *
*                + press 'space' to start game                    *
*                + press    'P'  to pause game                    *


MIT License