Hugo's Blog

How to Make Your React TypeScript Project More Elegant with map()

February 15, 2024 (11mo ago)Project

With React TypeScript and map(), you can create a more elegant personal blog. In this article, I share how to use the map() method to handle dynamic rendering of blog post lists and show the thought process of implementing the modification suggestions provided by ChatGPT.

How to Make Your React TypeScript Project More Elegant with map() by Hugo
How to Make Your React TypeScript Project More Elegant with map() by Hugo

Hey this is Hugo 👋 In the winter break of 2024, I planned to update my resume and personal website. I found a Portfolio design codewithsadee/vcard-personal-portfolio on GitHub that suited my current needs. I thought I could just replace the information with my own, but the template provided by the author did not have a design for more blog post browsing. All the web content is in the same index.html. If I fill the content about me, the loading time is too long. So I thought about turning each page into a route to handle it, but I thought I could play with ReactTS, so I started my blog makeover journey.

In this article, I share how I used React TypeScript and map() to create a more elegant personal blog. I will show you how to use the map() method to handle dynamic rendering of blog post lists and the thought process of implementing the modification suggestions provided by ChatGPT.

The effect of dynamic rendering through map()
The effect of dynamic rendering through map()

The original blog page was written like this:

<ul className="blog-posts-list"> <li className="blog-post-item active" data-filter-item data-category="unboxing" > <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <figure className="blog-banner-box"> <img src={noAdsImage} alt="No ads" loading="lazy" /> </figure> <div className="blog-content"> <div className="blog-meta"> <p className="blog-category">Unboxing</p> <span className="dot"></span> <time dateTime="2022-02-23">Feb 11, 2024</time> </div> <h3 className="h3 blog-item-title"> 忘掉 YouTube Premium!這些無廣告瀏覽器讓你愛不釋手! </h3> <p className="blog-text"> 在這個廣告橫行的 YouTube 時代,享受影片卻不被廣告干擾的感覺真是太棒了!透過 Brave 瀏覽器,我終於找到了解脫的方法,而且完全不必花錢購買 Premium。讓我們一起換個方式,享受無廣告的 YouTube 世界吧! </p> </div> </a> </li> <li className="blog-post-item active" data-filter-item data-category="devops" > <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <figure className="blog-banner-box"> <img src={gitTipsImage} alt="Git Tips Image" loading="lazy" /> </figure> <div className="blog-content"> <div className="blog-meta"> <p className="blog-category">DevOps</p> <span className="dot"></span> <time dateTime="2022-02-23">Fab 23, 2022</time> </div> <h3 className="h3 blog-item-title"> 踏入 Git 的世界:使用 ssh 與 GitHub 連線 👨🏻‍💻 </h3> <p className="blog-text"> 兼顧安全及隱私,利用 ssh key,push 到 GitHub 再也不需要打密碼了🔑 </p> </div> </a> </li> {/* Rest of the blog post item */} </ul>

Due to the above code, we can see that if we need to add more articles, our articles will become very long. So I asked ChatGPT: "This file is too long, do you have any suggestions for rewriting? Because the current functionality is interrelated, I am using .tsx."

Then ChatGPT helped me find the repeated code in these blog-post-items and suggested that I could handle it through map(). So I started my rewrite journey.

First, I created an interface to modularize the repeated information. Because each <li></li> contains this repeated content, including title, category, imageUrl, date, content, link, I first built the type of Post:

interface Post { title: JSX.Element; category: string; imageUrl: string; date: string; content: JSX.Element; link: string; alt: string; }

Later, I created an array postsData based on the newly created interface Post to store the data that Post will use:

const postsData: Post[] = [ { title: ( <h3 className="h3 blog-item-title"> 如何透過 <code>map()</code> 讓你的 <code>React TypeScript</code> 專案更加優雅? </h3> ), category: 'Projects', imageUrl: reactMappingTipsImage, date: 'Fab 15, 2024', content: ( <p className="blog-text"> 透過 <code>React TypeScript</code><code>map()</code> 方法打造更優雅的個人部落格。在這篇文章中,我分享了如何利用 <code>map()</code> 方法來處理部落格文章列表的動態渲染,並展示了 ChatGPT 提供的修改建議和實作過程中的思考。 </p> ), link: '', alt: 'How to Make Your React TypeScript Project More Elegant with `map()`' }, { title: ( <h3 className="h3 blog-item-title"> 忘掉 YouTube Premium!這些無廣告瀏覽器讓你愛不釋手! </h3> ), category: 'Unboxing', imageUrl: noAdsImage, date: 'Feb 11, 2024', content: ( <p className="blog-text"> 在這個廣告橫行的 YouTube 時代,享受影片卻不被廣告干擾的感覺真是太棒了!透過 Brave 瀏覽器,我終於找到了解脫的方法,而且完全不必花錢購買 Premium。讓我們一起換個方式,享受無廣告的 YouTube 世界吧! </p> ), link: '', alt: '忘掉 YouTube Premium!這些無廣告瀏覽器讓你愛不釋手!', }, ];

In this way, we can use map() to extract the data from postsData and simplify the repeated code:

<ul className="blog-posts-list"> { post: Post, index: number ) => ( <li key={index} className={`blog-post-item active`} data-filter-item data-category={post.category.toLowerCase()} > <a href={} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <figure className="blog-banner-box"> <img src={post.imageUrl} alt={post.alt} loading="lazy" /> </figure> <div className="blog-content"> <div className="blog-meta"> <p className="blog-category">{post.category}</p> <span className="dot"></span> <time dateTime={}>{}</time> </div> {post.title} {post.content} </div> </a> </li> ))} </ul>

With this rewrite, we can add more articles through postsData without worrying about the code becoming very long. This rewriting method also makes our code cleaner and easier to maintain.

Finally, I would like to share my thoughts on the implementation I made this time. I originally wanted to directly return all the author's writing in ReactComponent, and successfully displayed it on the webpage. However, I found that if I need to add more article content, my Component code needs to add nearly thirty lines at a time, and these codes are all repetitive (doing the same thing). Fortunately, I asked ChatGPT for a Code Review, which suggested using map(), allowing me to get to know this framework better. Wish you all "Happy New Year and no BUGs!"

I hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. You can also find me on GitHub and You can also visit my personal website

There are some updates: We have changed the new way to render the post lists and we successfully support the renderring of the post with only writing markdown files. Keep in touch with me and I will share more about this in the future.
